of Beauty 


NATURAL Rejuvenation Methods 


for Efficient, Natural, Effective and Long-Lasting RESULTS

Created on the foundation of the world-renowned 
Sculptural Face Lifting Technique by Yakov Gershkovich, 
Touch of Beauty consists of 6 Natural Rejuvenation Methods which combine to work synergistically for you to be 
young, beautiful and healthy.  


Learn all 6 of the Natural Rejuvenation Methods in the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule. 


Simple yet very powerful exercises and techniques that you can do yourself, 
on yourself. 


Decide on how long and how often you do each method, based on the results you see and desire. 


Learn all 6 of the Natural Rejuvenation Methods in the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule. 


Simple yet very powerful exercises and techniques that you can do yourself, 
on yourself. 


Decide on how long and how often you do each method, based on the results you see and desire. 


All you need is a mirror and your hands! 

No extra equipment or products required

lies in the 

All you need is a mirror 
and your hands! 

No extra equipment or products required

It's NO SECRET that Russian Women are known to be some of the most BEAUTIFUL IN THE WORLD

Touch of Beauty 

shares some of their BEST KEPT SECRETS for staying


"Everything that we have inside of us is on our face, and everything that our face expresses is inside of us.” 
- Yakov Gershkovich

Please Check All Of The Questions 
Where Your Answer Is YES!

Do you want to stop and reverse premature aging?
Do you want to get rid of headaches and wrinkles?
Do you want to remove emotional tension and stress from the face and body
Do you want to improve your posture, skin and hair
Do you want to change how you look and feel
Do you want to improve your physical and mental health
  • ​6 MASTERCLASSES filled with methods on how to rejuvenate yourself 
  • ​Over 2 hours of actionable self-rejuvenating content 
  • Easy to follow step-by-step introductions
  • On-demand, watch on your own schedule from any device  
  • Rewind and rewatch as often you please

Touch of Beauty is a special one of a kind project which brings together

 six of the world's top experts in the field of natural wellness techniques

 and rejuvenation methods for the face, skin, hair and body

Touch of Beauty 

Consists of 6 


Sculpturing Lifting Self Massage 
Your At Home Face Lifting 

Instructor: Yakov Gershkovich 

Creator of Structural Face Lifting Technique 

The face is a mirror of our emotions and imprints everything we have stored inside our bodies. Emotions from your lifetime are imprinted on your face as our muscles contain all our experiences and emotions, both positive and negative. The more people keep inside, leave inside and block certain emotions, the older they look and the faster they age especially the unexpressed emotions many of which get trapped in the face. 

Learn which facial muscles contain which emotions and learn techniques for how to work the most important muscles and remove the emotions out of the muscles like anger, sadness and sorrow, disappointment, tension, frustration and resentment. 

Learn how to work out and tighten the key muscles in your face! 
Improve lymph flow and circulation and remove facial swelling and congestion.

Bonus: Includes the world-famous intra-oral technique 


Self Visceral Massage of the Internal Organs

Instructor: Albina Voronchihina 

Visceral Massage Therapist and Cosmetologist

Your physical and mental health depends on the conditions of the gast- intestinal tract
Learn simple and efficient visceral massage techniques to rejuvenate yourself.  Learn gentle self massage elements you can do yourself at home. 
Improve blood flow to increase nutrition and oxygen circulation to the vital organs.
Increase natural strength of the body to improve natural strength of the body to improve physical and mental strength.


Osteoplasty for Natural Rejuvenation  

Instructor: Vitaly Kim

Osteopath Doctor, Neurologist and Reflexologist    

What is the one vital part of the body which is responsible for facial swelling and which causes disturbance of flow of fluids in our body?  

Learn techniques for to recover the health of your body and bring back your beauty.
How to bring back a healthy shade and nourish your skin tissue so it stays healthy and firm. 
Discover how to prevent and correct your face and body from losing elasticity and firmness and skin from becoming soggy and flappy. 


Facial Gymnastics for Face Fitness

Instructor: Elana Karkukli  

Face Fitness Coach

A do it yourself at home face workout! 
Learn how to: Correct posture, neck and cleavage zones to look more attractive. 
Muscle memory correction to remove clamps which negatively impact how we look.
Strengthen facial muscles so they are more toned. 


How to Keep Your Skin Young and Beautiful at Home 

Instructor: Anna Grygorian 

Aesthetic Cosmetologist     

Lean how to take care of your skin properly, chose personal care products and keep your skin, young beautiful and healthy.
How to pick best skincare for healing and recovery.
Essential vitamins for skin regeneration and skin conservation and protection.
Learn what not to do, as these habits can change hormonal levels which age skin and face shape and decreased skin function.


Home Care for Hair & Scalp 

Instructor: Olga Kohas 


Is the hair dryer good or harmful?  Should you brush wet hair? 
The answer to these questions and more are found in this Natural Rejuvenation Method. 

How to wash, comb and preserve your hair and avoid hair loss.
How to take care of your hair based on your scalp type.
Best practices based on your hair type. 
How to take care of your hair based on your hair type.
Learn a simple & effective massage technique to do at home to stimulate the hair follicle for hair growth.
Habits to avoid hair damage. 

Bonus: Learn where your hair growth stimulation points are to grow new healthy, strong hair.

Touch of Beauty 

Consists of 6 


Sculpturing Lifting Self Massage 
Your At Home 
Face Lifting 

Instructor: Yakov Gershkovich 

Creator of Structural Face Lifting Technique 

The face is a mirror of our emotions and imprints everything we have stored inside our bodies. Emotions from your lifetime are imprinted on your face as our muscles contain all our experiences and emotions, both positive and negative. The more people keep inside, leave inside and block certain emotions, the older they look and the faster they age especially the unexpressed emotions many of which get trapped in the face. 

Learn which facial muscles contain which emotions and learn techniques for how to work the most important muscles and remove the emotions out of the muscles like anger, sadness and sorrow, disappointment, tension, frustration and resentment. 

Learn how to work out and tighten the key muscles in your face! 
Improve lymph flow and circulation and remove facial swelling and congestion.

Bonus: Includes the world-famous intra-oral technique 


Self Visceral Massage of the Internal Organs

Instructor: Albina Voronchihina 

Visceral Massage Therapist and Cosmetologist

Your physical and mental health depends on the conditions of the gast- intestinal tract
Learn simple and efficient visceral massage techniques to rejuvenate yourself.  Learn gentle self massage elements you can do yourself at home. 
Improve blood flow to increase nutrition and oxygen circulation to the vital organs.
Increase natural strength of the body to improve natural strength of the body to improve physical and mental strength.


Osteoplasty for Natural Rejuvenation  

Instructor: Vitaly Kim

Osteopath Doctor, Neurologist and Reflexologist    

What is the one vital part of the body which is responsible for facial swelling and which causes disturbance of flow of fluids in our body?  

Learn techniques for to recover the health of your body and bring back your beauty.
How to bring back a healthy shade and nourish your skin tissue so it stays healthy and firm. 
Discover how to prevent and correct your face and body from losing elasticity and firmness and skin from becoming soggy and flappy. 


Facial Gymnastics for Face Fitness

Instructor: Elana Karkukli  

Face Fitness Coach

A do it yourself at home face workout! 
Learn how to: Correct posture, neck and cleavage zones to look more attractive. 
Muscle memory correction to remove clamps which negatively impact how we look.
Strengthen facial muscles so they are more toned. 


How to Keep Your Skin Young and Beautiful at Home 

Instructor: Anna Grygorian 

Aesthetic Cosmetologist     

Lean how to take care of your skin properly, chose personal care products and keep your skin, young beautiful and healthy.
How to pick best skincare for healing and recovery.
Essential vitamins for skin regeneration and skin conservation and protection.
Learn what not to do, as these habits can change hormonal levels which age skin and face shape and decreased skin function.


Home Care for Hair & Scalp 

Instructor: Olga Kohas 


Is the hair dryer good or harmful?  Should you brush wet hair? 
The answer to these questions and more are found in this Natural Rejuvenation Method. 

How to wash, comb and preserve your hair and avoid hair loss.
How to take care of your hair based on your scalp type.
Best practices based on your hair type. 
How to take care of your hair based on your hair type.
Learn a simple & effective massage technique to do at home to stimulate the hair follicle for hair growth.
Habits to avoid hair damage. 

Bonus: Learn where your hair growth stimulation points are to grow new healthy, strong hair.

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ONLY $237

About Yakov Gershkovich

Author, Creator and Master Trainer of the Structural Face Lifting Method

After years of looking for a fast and effective method of natural rejuvenation that would give an effective face lifting without the use of injections, botox or plastic surgery, Yakov created his unique Sculptural Face Lifting Method that gives visible results even after the very first procedure. 

Talented and sought-after teacher, Yakov taught nearly 5,500 students all over the world with his warm and transformational approach while presenting seminars on Sculptural Face Lifting Method. 
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